While I was attending Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, a few brother seminarians and I had a long run of Monopoly tournaments, and we became quite adept at the game. Of course, my winning strategy was to always give up any and all properties to get Boardwalk and Park Place, buy a hotel, and hope someone hit the hotel before I went bankrupt…
I created this vector file (below) in Illustrator after many hours of path-tracing original Monopoly board art, my own hand-drawn designs, and some clipart. I was intending to print it on some cardstock and mold some actual pieces (like a biretta, a Liturgy of the Hours book, a pipe organ, etc.) to play the game, but never got around to that part before leaving.
So… I have had this file sitting on my desktop for over a year, and I thought it’d be best to simply share it. If someone wants, I can GPL the vector file so someone else can make a custom monopoly-like game without having to go through the Monopoly site and pay a ton of money.
[Edit: I am releasing my work (see attached Illustrator file below) free of charge, under the Creative Commons ShareAlike license. Please do with it what you will, but be sure to link back to my site or give me a shout out when you use it!]
Click to download: Seminopoly (Monopoly-like game board) – Illustrator Vector File
(you can also download the Community Chest) artwork separately)
This template made by: jeffgeerling. com